Visual Basic supports a number of ways of converting from one type to another. The conversion function would take such a value , String, expression and attempt to convert it. It the conversion
is successful , the function would return an appropriate value.
1. CBool :- CBool Stands for Convert to Bool . It converts String , Charcter or numeric expression into boolean value .
Synatax :- CBool ( expression )
Example :-
Dim a, b As Integer
a = 10
b = 20
Dim check As Boolean
check = CBool(a > b)
2. CByte :- CByte stands for Convert to Byte Data Type. It converts numeric or floating values to byte Data Type.. If fractional part is given in variable-name then it will round off it to integer type.
Synatax :- CByte ( variable-name )
Example :-
Dim num1 as Double
Dim num2 as Byte
num1 = 2144.7865789
num2 = VByte( num1 )
Msgbox ( num2 )
3. CDate :- CDate Stands for Convert to Date type. It converts any valid form date format given as argument to it into Date
Syntax :- CDate ( Sting_Variable_Name )
Example :-
Dim DateString As String
Dim Finl_Date As Date
DateString = "July 3, 2013"
'The following line converts date format given in Date Type and give
it to Finl_Date
Finl_Date = CDate ( aDateString )
Msgbox ( Finl_Date.tostring())
4. CDbl :- CDbl stands for Convert to Double Data-Type. It converts
the any given integer value to Double floating value
5. CInt :- CInt Stands for Convert to Integer Date -Type . CInt is
widely used when converting from numbers or integers entered in string variable to convert it into integers to perform any Arithmetic operations.
Syntax :-
CInt ( String_Variable )
Example :-
Dim Var As String = "10"
Dim num1, num2 As Integer
num1 = CInt(Var)
num2 = 10
MsgBox(num1 + num2)
'It Returns 20
6. CChar :- CChar Stands for Convert to character. It Takes a String
Variable as input Argument and as it convert it into char so it passes
the first character of specified string varible to a character variable
Syntax :-
CChar ( String_Variable )
Example :-
Dim String_variable As String = "bvf"
Dim char_variable As Char
char_variable = CChar(String_variable)
MsgBox ( char_variable )
7. Cstr :- Cstr stands for convert to string . It converts any
integer floating value given as input to CStr into string type value
Syntax :-
Cstr ( Variable_Name )
Example :-
Dim Str as String
Dim input as integer
input = 12267.9999
Str = Cstr ( input )
Msgbox ( Str )
' It Returns 12267.9999
8. CUInt :- It converts given data value into CUint datatype . Here,
UInt stands for Unsigned integer type.
Dim Double_Variable As Double
Dim aUInt_Variable As UInteger
Double_Variable = 39.501
aUInt_Variable = CUInt(Double_Variable)
Msgbox ( aUInt_Variable )
'It Return 40
9. CShort :- It converts the given data value into short integer type
data value.
Syntax :-
CShort ( Byte_Variable )
Example :-
Dim Byte_Variable As Byte
Dim Short_Variable As Short
Byte_Variable = 100
Short_Variable = CShort(Byte_Variable)
Msgbox ( Short_Variable )
10. CDec :- It converts the given data value into Decimal Data-Type value.
Syntax :-
CDec ( Variable_Name )
Example :-
Dim Double_Variable As Double
Dim Decimal_Variable As Decimal
Double_Variable = 10000000.0587
Decimal_Variable = CDec(Double_Variable)
Msgbox ( Decinal_Variable )
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